

Ever thought to learn business? But not able to focus because of lengthy theory ? Yeah sometimes, it becomes exhausting for everyone at some point. No worries!! You can still learn it in an entertaining way by watching Netflix movies on business which is starred by your favorite actors and actresses. These movies cover topics like finance, time management, competition and tactics, many more.  In this blog post I have researched and came up with the best business movies you can watch on Netflix. Curious to know which movies? Grab some snacks, let's watch together!!! 1. STEVE JOBS (2015) 2. THE PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS (2006) 3. MONEY BALL (2011) 4.THE FOUNDER (2016)              LET'S DIVE IN !!! 1. STEVE JOBS (2015):  DIRECTOR- Danny Boyle WRITER- Aaron Sorkin ACTORS, ACTRESES AND THEIR ROLES: Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs. Kate Elizabeth Winslet as Joanna Hoffman Jeff Daniels as John Sculley represented as father figure and CEO of Apple. Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak Katheriner B

Flip the Script: An Intriguing New Approach to the Same Old Marketing

 Globalization has increased the competition for every organization. Earlier the organizations were competing with others having same scale of production ( large/small ) or b/w organizations which were setup in same year . But now, every small or big scale industries, old or new industries can compete with each other. CUSTOMER CENTRIC TO HUMAN CENTRIC: For many years, industries would manufacture products based on push system where they would anticipate the number of products they need to be produced to fulfill customer demand.  Whereas, nowadays almost every organization follow pull system i.e., manufacturing the products only when customer makes an order and the product would be customized according to customer preferences. MOVING FROM TRADITIONAL WAY OF MARKETING TO DIGITAL MARKETING : As time evolved, Digital Marketing has taken the position of traditional marketing because of many constraints that has been evicted in adopting digital marketing which includes having the best ways t


 If you are interested in knowing about marketing world, but you are busy having tons of work and not able to make time. Don't worry! Marketing podcasts are here for your rescue. You can listen to them while you are driving or having snacks or at morning while drinking coffee or doing any other activities.    There are plenty of podcasts in various audio applications and platforms. It's takes a lot of time to cover all of them. And therefore, I have made this blog to make your job easy. I have researched and came up with 7 top marketing podcasts which has quality content and high ratings which you can listen and gain insights about marketing and their strategies. Here are those top 7 Marketing podcasts:  Marketing Book Podcast Marketing Over Coffee How I Built This Garyvee Audio Experience The Business Of Digital Marketing Made Simple Marketing School LET ME KNOW YOUR FAVOURITE PODCAST: Marketing Book Podcast: This podcast is hosted by Douglas, a marketing Burdett. He is also k


  We often recommend products to our closed ones which worked great for us. But we don’t get any reward in return. What if I say, we can get commission by suggesting products. Now the questions arises, HOW? Well the answer is simple i.e., through Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing is ranked top in terms of making money from online marketing. Definition of Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing consists a process where affiliates earn money by creating a website containing merchant website link in it. And when a customer visits and make purchases affiliate is commissioned for increasing sales. Money which is earned by doing affiliate marketing can range between 1$ to 100000$ and so on, it has no limit. Stages of Affiliate Marketing: Cons: The main drawback in Affiliate Marketing is that sometimes companies do not show real sale numbers and in most of the cases they don’t pay enough amount to affiliates which they should have paid. And hence, in order to avoid this prob

The Difference Between Men And Women When It Comes to Shopping

  Everyone does shopping to fulfill their demands. Some goods could be basic products which plays vital role in satisfying our daily needs and other goods could be non-essential which we love to purchase that are not much necessary for our day-to-day needs.                   Men and Women as Customers 👫: Back then during 2010, only less number of women tend to shop in online stores than compared to offline stores. As time passed by, shopping by women as increased by both online and offline platforms.   On the other hand, the number of men shopping has also increased. So, let us understand in detail about their shopping behaviors.                           There is a drastic difference when it comes to shopping preferences by both men and women. When a survey was conducted it was observed that most men were shopping for electronic gadgets and maximum women purchased household things and beauty products. Below is the bar graph showing different product categories consumed by men and wom